
by Manski



When Skilli app alarm goes off in the morning, you will wake up to a visionboard of your dreams. After seeing your dreams in a picture form, you will start working towards them in preplanned steps. You will start your morning by completing your most important task for the day. Focusing only on 1 task at a time until its done. Then you will work on the next one, and do as many tasks as you can finish in predetermined time. Ideally you will get your life in order with finishing all your unfinished tasks in short period of time, then start allocating your mornings to lear a new Skill. Those tasks you will execute on every morning, should be for learning a new skill, that gets you closer to your dreams. For example money making skill for side hustle online. Every evening you will plan your next day, and create tasks for next morning to complete. After you have set up your task list for tomorrow, you will do journal about your day. In order to get what you want, you must become someone who can have what you want, and that requires change in your personality. For you to change, you must stop doing some things and start doing different things. This is something that we monitor with Skilli app. You will think of the behaviours you must stop and start, and write them down in the app as checkbox list ot items. You will then read every night your list and check a box when you did or didnt do what you were supposed to. This reminds you every evening of the behaviours and habits that you must change during the day, to become the person you want. By using this every day, your behaviour will begin to change and you will become the person you want to be with the right habits. Use Skilli 100 days straight and see what happens to your life.